Friday, August 5, 2011

Twirly and Whirly

So pretty!
 I have really wanted to learn how to sew clothing for a long time. My sis-in-law Lynette over at Get Your
Craft On is AWESOME! She has done all kinds of cool clothes for her kids and other fun crafty things. I've just convinced myself that I don't have time, or I don't know what to do, or patterns confuse me ;). But I saw this tutorial and figured I could seriously make that! Of course I have the most beautiful little model so that helps too! Of course, having just 1 girl in the middle of 4 boys gives me the responsibility to sew everything girly and really encourage her femininity! (Hey whatever works right?) So here are the 2 t-shirt dresses I've made for her so far. Total cost per dress is less than $8...not too bad, and I was able to make her something modest and super cute!

time to make a dress

cut the t-shirt

of course you need a matching headband

Gavin has to get in on it too! :)
zebra dress


  1. Very cool!

    ...what the freak is Gavin doing in that last photo? haha

    He dances like his.....wait....never mind.

  2. go ahead...say it...he dances like his FATHER!

  3. I love it!!! Keep up all the fun craftiness...i can't wait to see it all!!
